Lew's Hardware Round Bar 15-in Center to Center Brass (Brushed) Cylindrical Bar Cabinet Pull

What is a histogram?

A histogram is a chart that plots the distribution of a numeric variable's values equally a series of bars. Each bar typically covers a range of numeric values chosen a bin or course; a bar's acme indicates the frequency of data points with a value within the corresponding bin.

Basic histogram: distribution of response times by hour

The histogram above shows a frequency distribution for time to response for tickets sent into a fictional support system. Each bar covers one hour of time, and the height indicates the number of tickets in each time range. Nosotros can encounter that the largest frequency of responses were in the 2-iii hour range, with a longer tail to the right than to the left. There'south also a smaller colina whose peak (mode) at 13-14 hour range. If nosotros only looked at numeric statistics similar mean and standard deviation, nosotros might miss the fact that in that location were these two peaks that contributed to the overall statistics.

When you should employ a histogram

Histograms are good for showing full general distributional features of dataset variables. Yous tin see roughly where the peaks of the distribution are, whether the distribution is skewed or symmetric, and if there are whatsoever outliers.

Histograms can be described as symmetric, skewed, uniform, unimodal, bimodal, and multimodal

In gild to utilise a histogram, nosotros simply require a variable that takes continuous numeric values. This ways that the differences betwixt values are consistent regardless of their absolute values. For example, even if the score on a test might take simply integer values between 0 and 100, a aforementioned-sized gap has the aforementioned meaning regardless of where we are on the scale: the difference betwixt sixty and 65 is the same 5-point size as the divergence betwixt 90 to 95.

Information well-nigh the number of bins and their boundaries for tallying upward the data points is non inherent to the data itself. Instead, setting up the bins is a separate conclusion that nosotros have to brand when amalgam a histogram. The manner that we specify the bins will have a major issue on how the histogram tin can be interpreted, equally will be seen below.

When a value is on a bin boundary, it will consistently be assigned to the bin on its right or its left (or into the finish bins if it is on the end points). Which side is chosen depends on the visualization tool; some tools have the option to override their default preference. In this article, it volition exist assumed that values on a bin boundary will be assigned to the bin to the right.

Example of data structure

Summarized tables for histograms: one column indicates bin edges, and the other the frequency of observations in each bin

1 manner that visualization tools can work with data to be visualized as a histogram is from a summarized form like to a higher place. Here, the outset column indicates the bin boundaries, and the 2d the number of observations in each bin. Alternatively, certain tools can just piece of work with the original, unaggregated information column, then apply specified binning parameters to the information when the histogram is created.

Some tools can work directly from the raw data column and apply binning parameters separately.

Best practices for using a histogram

Utilise a zero-valued baseline

An important aspect of histograms is that they must be plotted with a zero-valued baseline. Since the frequency of information in each bin is implied by the top of each bar, changing the baseline or introducing a gap in the scale will skew the perception of the distribution of data.

Comparing histogram curves when a zero-baseline is used vs. a non-zero baseline
Trimming 80 points from the vertical centrality makes the distribution of performance scores await much improve than they actually are.

Choose an appropriate number of bins

While tools that can generate histograms usually accept some default algorithms for selecting bin boundaries, yous will likely want to play around with the binning parameters to choose something that is representative of your information. Wikipedia has an extensive section on rules of thumb for choosing an appropriate number of bins and their sizes, simply ultimately, it's worth using domain knowledge along with a off-white amount of playing around with different options to know what will work best for your purposes.

Choice of bin size has an inverse relationship with the number of bins. The larger the bin sizes, the fewer bins there will be to comprehend the whole range of data. With a smaller bin size, the more bins at that place will need to be. It is worth taking some time to test out different bin sizes to see how the distribution looks in each one, then choose the plot that represents the data best. If you have too many bins, then the data distribution volition look rough, and it volition be hard to discern the betoken from the noise. On the other manus, with also few bins, the histogram will lack the details needed to discern any useful pattern from the information.

Histogram shapes compared for bin sizes of 0.2, 1, and 5
The left console's bins are too minor, implying a lot of spurious peaks and troughs. The right panel's bins are besides large, hiding any indication of the second height.

Choose interpretable bin boundaries

Tick marks and labels typically should fall on the bin boundaries to best inform where the limits of each bar lies. Labels don't need to be set for every bar, but having them betwixt every few bars helps the reader go along track of value. In improver, information technology is helpful if the labels are values with just a pocket-size number of significant figures to make them easy to read.

This suggests that bins of size one, 2, 2.five, 4, or 5 (which divide five, x, and 20 evenly) or their powers of ten are skillful bin sizes to start off with as a rule of pollex. This also ways that bins of size three, 7, or ix will likely be more difficult to read, and shouldn't be used unless the context makes sense for them.

A strange bin size will require more explanation than a clear, nicely-divisible bin size.
Tiptop: carelessly splitting the data into x bins from min to max can stop upwards with some very odd bin divisions. Bottom: fewer tick marks are needed when the bin size is piece of cake to follow.

A small word of circumspection: brand certain you lot consider the types of values that your variable of interest takes. In the instance of a fractional bin size like 2.5, this tin can exist a problem if your variable just takes integer values. A bin running from 0 to two.5 has opportunity to collect three different values (0, 1, 2) but the post-obit bin from 2.5 to v can only collect two dissimilar values (iii, four – 5 will fall into the following bin). This means that your histogram tin expect unnaturally "bumpy" merely due to the number of values that each bin could possibly take.

Histogram shapes compared for bin sizes of 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5.
The figure higher up visualizes the distribution of outcomes when summing the effect of five die rolls, repeated 20 000 times. The expected bell shape looks spiky or lopsided when bin sizes that capture different amounts of integer outcomes are called.

Common misuses

Measured variable is not continuous numeric

As noted in the opening sections, a histogram is meant to depict the frequency distribution of a continuous numeric variable. When our variable of involvement does not fit this belongings, we need to use a different chart blazon instead: a bar chart. A variable that takes categorical values, like user type (eastward.g. invitee, user) or location are clearly non-numeric, and and so should use a bar chart. However, at that place are certain variable types that can be trickier to allocate: those that take on discrete numeric values and those that take on fourth dimension-based values.

Variables that take discrete numeric values (e.g. integers one, 2, 3, etc.) can exist plotted with either a bar chart or histogram, depending on context. Using a histogram will be more than likely when in that location are a lot of different values to plot. When the range of numeric values is large, the fact that values are discrete tends to not be important and continuous group will exist a expert idea.

One major affair to be conscientious of is that the numbers are representative of actual value. If the numbers are actually codes for a categorical or loosely-ordered variable, then that's a sign that a bar chart should be used. For example, if you have survey responses on a scale from 1 to 5, encoding values from "strongly disagree" to "strongly concord", and then the frequency distribution should be visualized equally a bar chart. The reason is that the differences between individual values may not exist consequent: we don't actually know that the meaningful difference between a 1 and 2 ("strongly disagree" to "disagree") is the same equally the divergence between a two and 3 ("disagree" to "neither agree nor disagree").

Bar chart used to depict frequencies of an ordered variable regarding level of agreement/disagreement

A trickier case is when our variable of interest is a fourth dimension-based feature. When values represent to relative periods of fourth dimension (eastward.m. 30 seconds, 20 minutes), then binning past fourth dimension periods for a histogram makes sense. However, when values correspond to accented times (due east.chiliad. January ten, 12:15) the stardom becomes blurry. When new data points are recorded, values will unremarkably go into newly-created bins, rather than inside an existing range of bins. In add-on, sure natural group choices, similar by month or quarter, introduce slightly unequal bin sizes. For these reasons, it is not too unusual to meet a different nautical chart type similar bar chart or line nautical chart used.

Bar chart used to depict pageview frequency across months

Using diff bin sizes

While all of the examples so far accept shown histograms using bins of equal size, this actually isn't a technical requirement. When data is sparse, such equally when there'due south a long information tail, the idea might come to heed to use larger bin widths to cover that infinite. Notwithstanding, creating a histogram with bins of diff size is not strictly a mistake, but doing and so requires some major changes in how the histogram is created and can cause a lot of difficulties in estimation.

The technical point nearly histograms is that the total surface area of the confined represents the whole, and the area occupied past each bar represents the proportion of the whole contained in each bin. When bin sizes are consistent, this makes measuring bar surface area and tiptop equivalent. In a histogram with variable bin sizes, still, the meridian tin can no longer correspond with the total frequency of occurrences. Doing then would misconstrue the perception of how many points are in each bin, since increasing a bin's size will only make it wait bigger. In the center plot of the below figure, the bins from 5-6, 6-7, and seven-x end up looking like they contain more than points than they actually exercise.

Histogram examples with equal and unequal bin sizes including an improperly scaled axis example
Left: histogram with equal-sized bins; Centre: histogram with unequal bins but improper vertical centrality units; Right: histogram with unequal bins with density heights

Instead, the vertical axis needs to encode the frequency density per unit of measurement of bin size. For example, in the right pane of the in a higher place figure, the bin from ii-2.5 has a height of about 0.32. Multiply by the bin width, 0.five, and we can gauge about 16% of the data in that bin. The heights of the wider bins accept been scaled down compared to the central pane: note how the overall shape looks similar to the original histogram with equal bin sizes. Density is not an piece of cake concept to grasp, and such a plot presented to others unfamiliar with the concept will accept a hard time interpreting it.

Because of all of this, the best advice is to endeavor and simply stick with completely equal bin sizes. The presence of empty bins and some increased noise in ranges with sparse data volition usually be worth the increase in the interpretability of your histogram. On the other paw, if there are inherent aspects of the variable to be plotted that propose uneven bin sizes, and so rather than use an uneven-bin histogram, yous may be meliorate off with a bar chart instead.

Mutual histogram options

Accented frequency vs. relative frequency

Depending on the goals of your visualization, you may want to change the units on the vertical axis of the plot as being in terms of absolute frequency or relative frequency. Absolute frequency is but the natural count of occurrences in each bin, while relative frequency is the proportion of occurrences in each bin. The option of axis units will depend on what kinds of comparisons you want to emphasize nearly the information distribution.

Histogram of response time presented in terms of relative frequency.
Converting the beginning instance to exist in terms of relative frequency, information technology'southward much easier to add together up the get-go 5 confined to find that virtually half of the tickets are responded to inside five hours.

Displaying unknown or missing data

This is actually not a particularly common option, simply it's worth because when it comes down to customizing your plots. If a data row is missing a value for the variable of interest, it volition often be skipped over in the tally for each bin. If showing the amount of missing or unknown values is important, then you could combine the histogram with an boosted bar that depicts the frequency of these unknowns. When plotting this bar, it is a adept idea to put information technology on a parallel axis from the main histogram and in a different, neutral color so that points nerveless in that bar are non confused with having a numeric value.

Histogram of race completion time including a bar for participants who did not finish (DNF).

Bar chart

Equally noted in a higher place, if the variable of interest is not continuous and numeric, but instead detached or categorical, then we will desire a bar nautical chart instead. In contrast to a histogram, the bars on a bar chart will typically have a pocket-sized gap between each other: this emphasizes the detached nature of the variable beingness plotted.

Example bar chart showing purchases by user type.

Line chart

If you have binned numeric data but want the vertical axis of your plot to convey something other than frequency information, then you lot should look towards using a line chart. The vertical position of points in a line chart can describe values or statistical summaries of a second variable. When a line chart is used to describe frequency distributions similar a histogram, this is called a frequency polygon.

Example line chart showing number of user accounts over time.

Density curve

A density curve, or kernel density gauge (KDE), is an culling to the histogram that gives each data indicate a continuous contribution to the distribution. In a histogram, you might call back of each data signal equally pouring liquid from its value into a series of cylinders beneath (the bins). In a KDE, each data point adds a small lump of book around its true value, which is stacked upwardly across data points to generate the final curve. The shape of the lump of volume is the 'kernel', and at that place are limitless choices available. Because of the vast amount of options when choosing a kernel and its parameters, density curves are typically the domain of programmatic visualization tools.

How the same dataset can be depicted by a histogram or density curve
The thick black dashes signal data points that contribute to the histogram (left) and density curve (right). Note how each signal contributes a small bell-shaped curve to the overall shape.

Box plot and violin plot

Histograms are good at showing the distribution of a unmarried variable, just information technology's somewhat tricky to make comparisons between histograms if we want to compare that variable between different groups. With two groups, one possible solution is to plot the 2 groups' histograms back-to-back. A domain-specific version of this type of plot is the population pyramid, which plots the age distribution of a state or other region for men and women as back-to-back vertical histograms.

Population pyramid of the population of the US in 2017

However, if we have three or more than groups, the back-to-dorsum solution won't piece of work. One solution could be to create faceted histograms, plotting i per group in a row or column. Another alternative is to use a different plot blazon such every bit a box plot or violin plot. Both of these plot types are typically used when nosotros wish to compare the distribution of a numeric variable across levels of a categorical variable. Compared to faceted histograms, these plots trade accurate depiction of absolute frequency for a more compact relative comparison of distributions.

Example of a box plot and violin plot on a dataset split across three groups

As a fairly common visualization type, most tools capable of producing visualizations will have a histogram as an option. Where a histogram is unavailable, the bar chart should exist bachelor equally a shut substitute. Creation of a histogram tin can require slightly more piece of work than other basic chart types due to the need to examination different binning options to find the best option. Even so, this endeavour is frequently worth it, as a expert histogram tin be a very quick way of accurately carrying the general shape and distribution of a data variable.

The histogram is one of many dissimilar chart types that tin exist used for visualizing information. Larn more than from our articles on essential chart types, how to cull a type of data visualization, or past browsing the total collection of manufactures in the charts category.

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