Uscis Privacy Act Immgrants Social Media

  1. Social Media

Homeland Security will soon consider social media on every visa application

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Panithan Fakseemuang/123RF
Social media accounts and search history volition soon be regularly scrutinized past the U.Southward. Section of Homeland Security (DHS) as part of a policy update to the Privacy Human activity of 1974 beginning on October 18. According to the policy, immigrants with a green card, naturalized citizens, and permanent residents could be subject to the new guidelines.

Social media vetting isn't new — the decision to exclude social media information was reversed after the San Bernadino, California, terrorist attacks in 2015. Earlier this summer, the visa application was updated to include the all the social media handles the applicant has used in the past five years. But, the new policy says that social media information will now exist collected on all applicants.

The collected information will be included in the individual's immigration file, co-ordinate to the new guidelines in the Federal Register published last week. According to Electronic Frontier Foundation chaser Adam Schwartz, who spoke with BuzzFeed News on the modify, the guideline also applies to citizens who communicate with immigrants on social media.

Co-ordinate to the update to the Privacy Deed of 1974, the information gathered on immigrants will exist expanded to include "social media handles, aliases, associated identifiable information, and search results." Another update allows the record to source whatever information that is publicly bachelor on the internet, including data "obtained and disclosed pursuant to data sharing agreements." The document does not clarify what sharing agreements entails.

The policy as well doesn't outline exactly how DHS volition obtain such data, so information technology's unclear if social media data that isn't shared publicly will be included in the search results. The policy also doesn't item how search histories will exist obtained.

The policy change probable stems from the San Bernardino terrorist that passed three background checks despite a social media business relationship that openly supported violent jihad. The 29-year-old was approved for a K-1 finance visa subsequently screenings by DHS and subsequently killed 14 people with her new husband in 2015.

Critics say, however, that the same policy could likewise easily permit the regime to consider the applicant's political and religious views in the clearing process. Others say that there is no show to suggest that the information helps, while the increased information as well increases costs. The potential of hacked accounts and business concern over free speech are also creating controversy surrounding the new policy.

"We meet this as a larger process of high-tech surveillance of immigrants and more and more people being subjected to social media screening," Schwartz told BuzzFeed News. "In that location's a growing trend at the Department of Homeland Security to exist snooping on the social media of immigrants and foreigners and we think it is an invasion of privacy and deters freedom of spoken language."

The Privacy Act of 1974 is designed to plant off-white practices on how the government collects, maintains, uses and disseminates information for records on an individual.

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