Razak & Sons (Kakiwala Tours & Travels) Ahmedabad, Gujarat

They are the monsters in the dark, the dripping nightmares that haunt your race. ... All areas where humans are weak, the Ra'zac are strong. — Oromis

Ra'zac (or Lethrblaka when full-grown) were ane of the several ancient races that were thought to take followed the humans beyond the ocean to Alagaësia. They were a race that fed on humans and likely came from the same homelands. They may be the reason that the humans migrated from their home over the ocean in the first identify. Ra'zacs' breath have the power to paralyze humans in a dream-like state, even so, information technology barely clouds the minds of dwarves and is ineffective against elves altogether.

The last two Ra'zac to live before the extinction of their race in Alagaësia (as well as the remaining ii Lethrblaka) were servants of Galbatorix, living in their black towers at Helgrind. They were used by King Galbatorix to investigate whatsoever rumors of dragons who might have escaped the downfall of the Dragon Riders. They were called by some the rex's personal "dragon hunters." They were peculiarly effective against Dragon Riders because their minds were shielded from mental powers.

Unbeknownst to the principal characters, Galbatorix hid several Ra'zac eggs throughout Alagaësia, though the just ones found were beneath Dras-Leona. These 2 were destroyed and killed shortly later on hatching by Eragon and Solembum, a Werecat.

The Ra'zac commonly used Seithr Oil and with information technology murdered Garrow, Parr and countless others. The Ra'zac used bows and arrows usually coated in Seithr Oil. They likewise used ancient foliage-bladed swords. They had probably been using the swords against their enemies for years without them breaking, in which example the blades would accept to exist either stolen from elves or heavily enchanted. This enchanting would need to exist washed then by a very skilled enchanter, since ordinary blades augmented with magic for durability require a magician to renew the spells protecting them and the Ra'zac cannot utilize magic. There was a taller and smaller Ra'zac (this could correspond with age or gender). The concluding of the Ra'zac hid in Helgrind and were warded by Galbatorix's spells. They kept both Seithr Oil and torture devices inside their lair. The Ra'zac are known to be mortally agape of h2o and the sun, equally they cannot swim and sunlight burns their peel and optics.


  • 1 Advent
  • two Life-cycle
  • 3 History
    • 3.ane Role in Eragon
    • three.two Role in Eldest
    • three.three Role in Brisingr
    • 3.four Role in Inheritance
    • 3.5 Surviving Ra'zac
  • 4 Powers
  • 5 Gender
  • 6 Personality
  • 7 Part in film
  • eight Comparisons
  • 9 Gallery

Appearance [ ]

The Ra'zac were vaguely human in shape, being bipedal, but this was where their similarity with humans ended. Equally pupae of the Lethrblaka, they had a hard exoskeleton, and they had a sharp beak, bulbous black eyes every bit big every bit a human'south fist, and a barbed, majestic tongue in their mouths. They were sparse-waisted and had hunched backs as a consequence of the wings growing below with a large and deeply ridged breast that gave them an emaciated appearance that fabricated their ribs seem as though they were outside their body, while their thin legs had an extra, backwards-facing joint that gave them an unsettling walking and running gait. In spite of their thin limbs, they were incredibly strong; a Ra'zac could kill a man with a unmarried jab from their pecker and they were stiff plenty to get toe-to-toe with the recently enhanced Eragon and his cousin Roran in melee gainsay, though they somewhen lost.

Life-cycle [ ]

When a Ra'zac is hatched, it is referred to as a pupa. It develops a roughly human being exoskeleton, allowing it to remain somewhat inconspicuous in the company of its favorite prey, humans. During the pupae stage, they clothing black cloaks to help hibernate their truthful grade. In this stage, Ra'zac feed exclusively on human beings, simply upon maturing into a Lethrblaka, they volition kill and consume anything that moves.

When the pupae reaches the first full moon of its twentieth year, it sheds its exoskeleton, spreads its wings that take adult from a bulge on its back, and emerges as a fully grown Lethrblaka, said to resemble a type of "monstrous night dragon". The flight mounts used past the Ra'zac were actually their parents, the Lethrblaka. Lethrblaka had the intelligence of a dragon, but they are much more intelligent than the younger Ra'zac and could give out ear-splitting shrieks that virtually are not able to stand. Magic users, however, could counter it past casting a spell to "empty their ears". The Lethrblaka then reproduce oviparously, renewing their cycle of life.

It is unknown where the Ra'zac originated, only they are not native to Alagaësia. It is nigh likely they came from whatsoever place humans abandoned and they may exist the reason that the humans abandoned this place.

For many years the creatures roamed wild, killing and devouring humans before the Dragon Riders agreed to put an end to it. During the bloody Ra'zac State of war, nearly the unabridged Ra'zac race was exterminated, except for 2 Lethrblaka, who survived. Later on his victory over the Riders, Galbatorix sought out the Lethrblaka and their newborn Ra'zac and bartered for their services in exchange for his protection and a limitless supply of their favorite food: human flesh. They then continued their barbarous eating habits as they did earlier, finding human mankind a plenty. He as well granted them a new home in Helgrind on the conditions that they serve him past tracking down and destroying his most terrible and powerful enemies, which they did very successfully.

History [ ]

Office in Eragon [ ]

The Ra'zac were sent to search for the dragon egg that had been teleported by Arya into the Spine. They tortured Garrow with Seithr Oil and burned his farm in their quest for the egg. They were so tracked past Brom, Eragon and Saphira to Dras-Leona. The trio was ambushed and captured. However, when the shorter Ra'zac tried to murder Brom, arrows fired by Murtagh saved them. Every bit they left, the shorter Ra'zac kicked Eragon, wounding him, as well as the taller one threw a dagger. Brom jumped in the way and was left with a fatal injury.

Role in Eldest [ ]

The Ra'zac returned to Carvahall, attempting this fourth dimension to kidnap Roran, who was wanted by the Broddring Empire. They threatened the villagers with slavery, nearly of whom rallied behind Roran and escaped to Surda. Unfortunately, the Ra'zac were able to kidnap Katrina and Sloan, who they took to Helgrind. Eragon learned almost the strengths and weaknesses of the Ra'zac from Oromis and felt that he would exist more than than a match for them the next time that they met.

Function in Brisingr [ ]

Roran, Eragon and Saphira traveled to Helgrind, where the Ra'zac's underground lair was located.

Roran killed one of the Ra'zac, which was revealed to be female person, before freeing Katrina, while Saphira slew both of the Lethrblaka. Later Saphira, Roran and Katrina departed, Eragon confronted the last Ra'zac. Information technology spoke with him before fighting, maxim that Galbatorix would defeat Eragon even if they should fall, considering, "He has more heartsss than you do", probably referring to the Eldunarí in Galbatorix's possession.

The concluding Ra'zac then requested that Eragon ensure that they were remembered by the human race with the image they had always represented: fear, the monsters in the night. In return, it offered to tell Eragon a surreptitious: Galbatorix was close to finding "the true proper name." The "truthful proper noun" probably refers to the truthful proper noun of the aincient language. Eragon refused to parley with the Ra'zac, saying the information was not definite enough to warrant a favor. The Ra'zac cursed Eragon in anger, saying "Curssse you, Rider! I curssse you lot! May you observe no roossst nor den nor peace of mind in thisss country of yours. May you leave Alagaësia and never return!". The Ra'zac attacked Eragon, who won the ensuing fight past killing the Ra'zac.

Role in Inheritance [ ]

While Roran, Eragon and Saphira were successful in defeating the Ra'zac, they did not manage to exterminate them completely: a pair of Ra'zac eggs were kept in hugger-mugger by the clergy of Dras-Leona, who worshiped the Ra'zac as deities. These eggs were hatched in a ceremony, during which Eragon and Arya were near killed by the infant Ra'zac, simply the timely arrival of the herbalist Angela resulted in the destruction of the hatchlings, with i beingness killed by Solembum and the other by Eragon. The eggs looked similar "oval objects, each about a pes and a half long and half a pes thick." equally was quoted from the book. Their colors were blue blackness and pitted like sandstone. While as for the hatchlings' appearance was said in the book to having a deeply ridged breast that fabricated it appear as if its ribs were on the outside of the body, not on the inside. Its limbs were sparse and knobby, similar to sticks, and its waist was far narrower than any human's. Both legs had an extra astern-bending joint, sort of like a birds legs, just it deemed for the hatchling's unsettling gait. The carapace looked soft and malleable, unlike that of the more mature Ra'zac that Eragon in one case chased down. Galbatorix mentioned there were more than eggs that he had hidden elsewhere. After Galbatorix'south downfall, Eragon tried to find more information on these eggs, nevertheless plant simply old accounts from other Riders.

Surviving Ra'zac [ ]

Although this Ra'zac was the last of its kind to have crossed the Silver Bounding main, others may however survive beyond the ocean. It was never confirmed that the entirety of the Ra'zac race crossed and as other humans would yet be nowadays in their homeland crossing would make picayune sense for the Ra'zac as much of their prey would still be available in their homeland. It is possible that there are eggs kept and subconscious by the clergy of Dras-Leona or Galbatorix.

Powers [ ]

The Ra'zac had no access to magic, just they were very constructive against magicians because their minds could not be observed or possibly their minds were then conflicting to magicians that they could non sense them at all. The Ra'zac had a human ally in Galbatorix, who would cast protective wards over them.

The Ra'zac possessed superhuman strength, speed, agility, besides equally stamina, equal to an elf. However, they too possessed an ability no elf, Shade, or even Dragon Rider had: an evil breath that fogs the minds of humans (most likely a poisonous gas) and make nearly people incapable of doing anything. A Dragon Rider is almost completely immune due to their bond with their dragons, who are non affected at all. The Ra'zac too had potent exoskeletons which was every bit hard and strong as armor and protected the Ra'zac from weak blows without slowing them downwards with bulky excess weight.

In add-on to these abilities, their senses were very strong: they could track scents like hounds, see on a cloudy night or even in consummate darkness. But mayhap the Ra'zac's greatest ability was the special shields that protected their minds. Even the best man mindbreakers could not detect a Ra'zac'southward mind. This made information technology impossible to breach or control them with mental powers, unless the Ra'zac consented to it. It too fabricated the Ra'zac excellent assassins, for not even magicians would exist able to detect them until it was too late.

The Ra'zac spoke in their own language of abrupt clicks, clacks, clucks, shrieks, chirps and other bird-like sounds. None of this language was translated and the calls may have been unintelligible and fifty-fifty unpronounceable to all but the Ra'zac.

Still, the Ra'zac had weaknesses as well. Because their eyes were and then sensitive to brightness, strong light pained them, though it was not fatal and wouldn't stop a Ra'zac if they were determined. Powerful light, such every bit that conjured by the "kveykva" spell would momentarily stun a Ra'zac. Ra'zac besides were unable to swim, perhaps because of their exoskeleton, every bit a result, they had a morbid fright of (deep) h2o and thus kept away from it.

Gender [ ]

1 of the inconsistencies in the Inheritance Cycle involved the Ra'zac. During the confrontation outside Dras-Leona, Christopher Paolini described both Ra'zac as 'he'. Nonetheless, when Eragon is facing downward the second Ra'zac earlier battling it, information technology describes the belatedly Ra'zac as 'she'. In order to make them reproduce, one of them had to be a female. Information technology is non known for certain which Ra'zac is which, but it is more likely that the shorter i was female. During the start appearance of the Ra'zac, the taller Ra'zac was described as a "man", while no such description was fastened to the shorter one. Information technology should be considered, still, that all descriptions of the Ra'zac as a "he" or a "man" come up from the point of view of Eragon, who would have no style of knowing the gender of the ii. It is possible that both Ra'zac could be female. Another possibility is that they were hermaphrodites and thus had no gender only mated with any other being of their species.

Personality [ ]

Both Ra'zac were cunning and brutal, but rather narrow-minded. They were capable of conscious thought and consideration, but were not as intelligent as humans, dwarves, elves, or dragons.

The shorter Ra'zac has been consistently portrayed as more blunt, brutal, likewise as impulsive than the taller 1: both traits could correspond to historic period. When talking with Sloan, the shorter one was significantly more threatening than their taller counterpart. When they captured Eragon and Brom, the shorter one suggested but murdering Brom, rather than drugging him and putting up with the problem he caused.

Role in film [ ]

A Ra'zac as depicted in the motion picture

In the Eragon movie, the Ra'zac are creatures with their bodies seemingly crawling with or made up of a colony of insects and seem to accept no protruding beak nor wear a cloak, instead beingness covered with bandage similar rags. In spite of this they seem to have a vague human physiology because Eragon is able to kill 1 by hanging it from a branch with magic and Brom kills the 2nd with a sword stab to the chest. This is dissimilar over again from the books, where they both stay alive until Brisingr. The Ra'zac possess superhuman force, speed and reflexes, and their sole weapons are dual knives protruding from their sleeves.

The Ra'zac are extremely dangerous, equally Brom pragmatically describes them to exist worse than even Urgals. They are certainly diverse, wild and powerful beings, as well equally are very hard to kill. The Ra'zac are seemingly magical beings created or summoned by Durza to hunt for Eragon and Saphira. They appear by bursting from the basis before being given orders by Durza. They and so appear in Carvahall and seem to torture Sloan into revealing where Eragon lives. Eragon tries to race home but is likewise tardily to relieve his uncle, who is accidentally murdered in Eragon's place. Different in the books Galbatorix had no intention of bringing Eragon over to his side and wished to accept Eragon killed. In the film universe the lives of Dragons are jump with their Riders and to kill a rider would be to kill the dragon.

The manager Stephen Fangmer cited in the commentary in the DVD that he wanted to "reduce them to hellish creatures that alive underground".

Comparisons [ ]

  • The Ra'zac bear a strong likeness to the Nazgûl in The Lord of the Rings, owing to their cloaked appearance, their utilise of winged beasts as steeds, as well equally their soporific breath.
  • A example could perchance be made role as a mysterious figure in a black cloak with a monstrous advent underneath that serves as an enforcer/hunter in the service of the Dark Lord could be compared to the role of the Star Wars villain Darth Maul. In the storylines of major installments (Eragon and Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace) they are after something major in their primary'due south plan (Saphira'southward egg and Queen Amidala) and somewhen during a tense confrontation a leading hero's mentor is murdered by them correct before their eyes. (Brom and Eragon were somewhen captured by the Ra'zac, until they were rescued past Murtagh. While fleeing one of the Ra'zac threw a dagger at Eragon, but Brom moved into its path, thus saving Eragon simply mortally wounding himself. Whilst Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn during their and Kenobi's lightsaber duel on Naboo. Whilst the combatants became separated past a laser wall Obi-Wan could only sentinel in horror as the Sith cut his friend and mentor downwardly.) Eventually that student would later cutting down the assailant himself. (Eragon would finally practise so in Brisingr later on the major confrontation in the Ra'zac's lair whilst Obi-Wan managed to best Maul in the aforementioned duel not long after Qui-Gon'due south decease. Though according to subsequent sources he is said to have survived the encounter.) Perhaps the about apt comparing if one were to go downward this route would exist the Ra'zac species to the Dathomirians in big as both are a unsafe/powerful race of beings that provide a major combative presence in their respective societies. Specially Asajj Ventress who has a long-running established presence in the Star Wars franchise who whilst never working equally an official partner with Darth Maul (similar the primary two Ra'zac in the Inheritance Wheel) has a similar position whilst in service to the Sith.
  • A strong case could also be that their part of a deadly warrior species/culture could be compared to the Mandalorians from the Star Wars franchise. Both were at some point a more powerful presence but their role in the main narrative of either story is smaller. At which point they are more often than not used as hunters, assassins, and enforcers. They are very often allied with the dark warrior mystics (Galbatorix's Broddring Empire and the Sith respectively) Each group wears distinctive garb with a threatening appearance that shrouds their faces when out on an assignment. (The Ra'zac's black cloaks and the trademark Mandalorian armor) Both can be quite ruthless/merciless. All are skilled warriors that can proceed up with their world's mystic warriors (Dragon Riders and Strength Users) and are dangerous aerial combatants. (Whether it be for the use of the Lethrblaka or their starship piloting skills) In the respective sagas' main narrative they are used to hunt down a close friend of the principal protagonist (Eragon and Luke) by the Empire (Roran and Han Solo) in an effort to use them confronting the hero. The 2nd installment (in terms of release, them being Eldest and The Empire Strikes Back) catastrophe with these groups' representatives (The 2 primary Ra'zac of the Inheritance Cycle and Boba Fett.) managing to capture somebody important (Katrina and Han) and take them to a major villainous stronghold. (Helgrind and Jabba's palace) leading to the next installment (Brisingr and Return of the Jedi) starting with the heroes mounting a rescue where their captors are finally slain. The dark lords' respective attempts to "harvest" them in surreptitious for their utilize could too be compared. (Galbatorix at least claimed to have collected Ra'zac eggs that he had hidden whilst Darth Sidious in secret organized for an ground forces of clones of the dandy Mandalorian warrior/bounty hunter Jango Fett on the obscure planet Kamino for use in the rise of his empire and the destruction of the Jedi)
  • The Ra'zac can also be compared to Decease (the character) like in animations. Examples are similar some versions of The Christmas Carol or Family Guy.This is probably where the idea of the appearance of the Ra'zac came from.
  • "Ra" is the name of an Egyptian god, usually depicted equally homo with a bird-like head, akin to the Ra'Zacs'. Ra, however, is the creator of the universe, while the Ra'Zac are destroyers. Ironically, Ra was god of the Sun, whose light the Ra'Zac shun.
  • The Ra'zac share several similarities with the Kalkara of The Ranger's Apprentice.
    • Both have a vaguely humanoid appearance, though they presumably share no actual blood with humans.
    • Both became servants of the main adversary (the Ra'zac served Galbatorix, while the Kalkara served Morgarath) in commutation for something in return (in the Ra'zac's example, information technology was Galbatorix's protection and a supply of fresh human being flesh, while Morgarath paid for the Kalkara's services in silver, which the monsters had a obsession with). During both monsters' time under their masters' command, they acted every bit assassins.
    • Both are armed with a paralyzing ability (the Ra'zac'southward breath and the Kalkara's hypnotic gaze)
    • Both fright fire, though for dissimilar reasons.
    • Both are the remnants of a dying race (although at that place are plain even so Ra'zac eggs hidden beyond Alagaesia)

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