Social Media Challenges Causing Darwin Awards

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The Darwin Awards: 10 Of The Worst Stupid Expiry Stories Ever

These stories are unbelievable but true: All of these ill-blighted idiots deserve their Darwin Awards.

There will always be an element of risk involved in action sports. Information technology'southward part of the thrill, doing something difficult and/or dangerous and coming away unscathed. And anyway, if you have a reasonable amount of common sense, you tin can keep the risks to a minimum.

Unfortunately however, information technology seems that some thrill-seekers lack even the tiniest amount of common sense. And information technology'southward when yous become actually stupid people doing dangerous sports that things go incorrect. Really wrong.

"Every bit unbelievable as they might sound, all of these stories are sadly true"

These sick-fated idiots' all featured in the Darwin Awards. The 'honor' is famously given out each twelvemonth for the most stupid death, rewarding the person'southward willingness to "remove themselves from the human being genetic pool," and all entries are verified.

There are hundreds of stupid means to die. The Darwin Awards are dedicated to documenting the all-time of them.

So as unbelievable as they might sound, all of these stories are sadly true…

1) The Ski Resort Sledge Thief

Chairlift protective mats are non at that place for sledges. You may die

In 2008 46-year-onetime David Monk was on holiday in Sauze D'Oulx, Italy, with a group of friends.

Subsequently having a few beers i evening, the lads decided to steal a protective mat that covered the metallic barriers at the bottom of the slope and use information technology as a sledge.

They hiked upward the hill, hurled themselves down it, and promptly slammed straight into the very same barrier they'd stolen the protective matting from.

David died on the spot, earning himself a Darwin award in the process.

"He was a brilliant guy," David's friend Alan MacGregor told the Daily Postal service. We're not certain "bright" is the word we would've chosen…

2) The Mid-Mount Road Bailout

In 2001, a story appeared in the S Idaho Press detailing the decease of a man named Marco, who had been driving a van full of friends back from a mean solar day on the mount when his brakes failed.

In a truly heroic manoeuvre, Marco leapt from the moving vehicle earlier it careered off a cliff border – without telling anyone else about the brake problem first.

Thankfully one of the other passengers stepped in to save the day, managing to bring the van to a halt.

They then walked back up the hill to find that Marco had fatally miscalculated his cowardly leap to rubber and striking his head on the pavement, killing himself. No-one else was injured.

3) The Brainless Bungee Jumper

In 1997, Police in Reston, Virginia, issued a statement maxim they had plant the body of 22-yr-old Eric Barcia, who had apparently died attempting to bungee jump off a lxx foot span.

Eschewing commercial bungee operations, Eric had apparently taken matters into his ain hands and tied several bungee cords together.

He strapped himself on securely, tied the other end to the bridge, and jumped, confident in the knowledge that he'd carefully measured out the bungee's total length – just under 70 foot.

Of course, what Eric had forgotten was that bungee cords stretch…

4) The Luckless Sledneck

"Ordinarily a man killed by an avalanche is suffering from a natural disaster, and not eligible for a Darwin Award," says the awards website.

"But the circumstances surrounding the death of Walter, a 43-year-old Fairbanks man, are unusual enough to warrant an exception. He was killed non past a natural disaster, simply by his own blatant stupidity."

Walter'southward nomination for the 2000 awards came after he was "highmarking" on his snowmobile. This almost entirely pointless exercise involves driving as far every bit you can upwardly a pristine slope before the sled gets stuck, and then bombing back down over again.

Country Troopers had warned that conditions meant avalanches were likely. Before in the day Walter had in fact triggered an avalanche and been buried up to his waist.

Whatsoever normal person might be shaken up by this, or at the very to the lowest degree take it as a sign that they should terminate. But this committed sledneck kept right on revving up and downward the hillside until he triggered a 2nd, bigger barrage which swept down and killed him.

5) The Utah Para-Plunger

In 1999 a paraglider named Craig from Riverton in Utah decided he'd try out a new, soft manner of landing, and splash down in a canal.

The starting time part went swimmingly, with Craig executing a perfect landing.

Unfortunately the swimming part didn't go quite so well. Craig's parachute filled with h2o, dragged him downstream and drowned him.

half-dozen) The Amateur Cliff Diver

Alongside Craig the paraglider in the 1999 Darwin Awards nominations was a 27-year-old who met his untimely demise at Skrinkle Haven in Wales.

In an credible endeavor to impress a group of teenage boys, the human being (who's name the Darwin Awards don't reveal) dove off an fourscore-foot cliff into the water.

If done properly, an eighty-pes cliff dive shouldn't be fatal, only it appears the man had zero prior experience of high-diving.

He was knocked unconscious by the water, and although the teenagers climbed downwardly and fished him out, he was proclaimed expressionless on arrival at the hospital. Needless to say the teenagers weren't impressed by the stunt.

7) The Kite Surfer Who Took Flight

The 2007 Darwin Awards featured a nomination for a particularly intrepid kitesurfing Spaniard.

As hurricane-strength winds swept through the s, sensible Spaniards upwardly and downwardly the coast battened downward the hatches and prepared to sit down out the tempest.

Our xl-yr-former hero had other ideas still. Seeing the reports of loftier winds and huge waves, he decided to defy the ban imposed on going into the water.

He grabbed his balls, strapped into his lath and unfurled his kite.

His body was found more than than a kilometre away from the sea, having been dragged by the winds and slammed confronting several buildings forth the way.

viii) The Niagara Falls Jet Ski Jumper

In 1995, a particularly daring daredevil named Robert decided to attempt something no-one had e'er done before – ride his jetski off Niagara Falls.

Now that might sound completely stupid, just Robert had washed some planning. He'd fitted his jetski with a rocket booster and was carrying a parachute.

The thought was to fire the booster equally he hit the falls, opening the parachute at the apex of his flying and globe-trotting downwards to rubber in the water beneath.

Unfortunately Robert had failed to factor in i crucial element – the fact that h2o makes things wet.

Equally he hurtled towards the falls and pressed the push button, his utterly-soaked rocket booster failed to ignite. Plummeting off the edge, he tried his parachute, but information technology wasn't water-proof either and failed to deploy.

9) The Amateur Electrician

Electricity and water do not mix well. Please take intendance, or you may dice

In 1999, jetskiing featured in the Darwin Awards over again. This time the hapless individual was a human named Rodney, who was happily doing laps of Lake Washington when he realised his bombardment was running a bit low.

Pulling up toward the shore he moored his jetski and ran to get a set of jump leads. He plugged the ends into a 110 volt outlet and ran downward to the water's edge conveying the crocodile clips.

Unfortunately he didn't end at the edge, and plunged straight in, electrocuting himself instantly.

His trunk was plainly found floating under the dock later that evening.

10) The Pissed-Up Parkour Star

In 2002 a group of lads from Maidenhead, inspired by what they'd seen of Paris' Parkour scene, decided to requite complimentary-running a go.

Things started well for Marc and his mates. They found a gap between two multi-story carparks with a 40-pes drop below and later a taking a good long run-upwards, Marc managed to clear it.

Chuffed with his accomplishment, he headed to the pub with his pals. On their style home they passed the car park again and it was so that things started to go incorrect.

Full of the Dutch backbone that comes from a couple of pints, Marc threw himself at the gap once again but lost his rest on the far side and brutal 40 foot onto solid concrete. No amount of alcohol could've cushioned that blow.

Honourable Mention: The Serpent Charmer

Cartoon: Darwin Awards

OK and so this has nothing to practice with action sports, but nosotros couldn't resist including it. Information technology'due south maybe the stupidest tale of manlike thrill-seeking we've ever heard.

In 1997, according to the Darwin Awards, Wayne Roth of Pittston, Pennsylvania, was bitten past a cobra belonging to his friend Roger after reaching into the tank to pick the poisonous snake up.

"I don't need to go to hospital" Wayne apparently told Roger. "I'm a man. I tin handle it."

Instead, on Wayne's suggestion, the pair headed to a pub instead. At that place he proved what a homo he was by sinking several pints, boasting about the bite, and promptly dying nearly an hour later.

Cobra venom is, it seems, a slow-acting toxin which takes several hours to assail the central nervous system.

What a guy.

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