Georgia teen abused by male parent on Instagram Live

The teen is seen sitting in a chair in a garage as her father and an unidentified woman belittle her.

A disturbing video of a Georgia teen named Trinity existence abused past her father and an unknown woman, believed to be her stepmother, was posted on Instagram Live today and people on social media are concerned for the child's safety and wellbeing.

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In the hard-to-watch video, Trinity is seen sitting in a chair in a garage every bit her begetter and the unidentified adult female belittle her and refer to their item form of discipline equally "court." During a line of questioning, Trinity is repeatedly smacked and struck by both adults.

As the assault progressed, the teen managed to escape from her tormentors, just her father chased her downward and dragged her dorsum into the garage. At one bespeak, her male parent is seen throwing Trinity on the floor and then restraining her by sitting on her chest.

In a later mail, her father was completely unrepentant when he defended his right to field of study his daughter for running away and lying. He defendant her of going to a stranger's house and smoking weed.

He asserted that it was meliorate for him to discipline Trinity than for her to end upward being beaten and peradventure raped past the person or persons she had visited earlier.

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According to TheShadeRoom, a friend of Trinity'due south said she and her parents are trying to locate the girl and notify regime as to her whereabouts, but Trinity's family recently moved without leaving a return address.

Hoping to go aid for the immature girl, many social media users as well every bit celebrities similar Lil Scrappy, shared the troubling video.

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