Do Other Countries Warn People Not to Travel to Chicago

(CNN)If your friends and allies won't tell you what they really call up, check their travel advisories.

Uruguay and Venezuela aren't the but countries to take issued travel warnings about the gamble of gun violence in America -- though their language citing "detest crimes" and the "supremacist aristocracy" in Washington was caput-turning in the wake of deadly shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

Close Us allies have long warned their citizens about the risks of exploring the United states of america. And while most online advisories rank the U.s.a. as safe to visit, many too brand mention of domestic mass shootings, typically categorized as terrorism -- and besides warn virtually the astronomical cost of American wellness intendance for visitors whom misfortune befalls.

    Sometimes politically pointed, but more often just pragmatic, each country's travel advisories are usually published just in the local language. And because they're designed to keep their own citizens out of problem, the frankness with which such documents review United states of america security, health, local law and customs can offering a fascinating portrait of America -- which Americans themselves may struggle to recognize.

      Warnings virtually terrorism and mass shootings

      Canada, which is correct up in that location alongside the United states of america in terms of gun ownership, advises its citizens to "take normal security precautions" in the US, and notes that "incidents of mass shooting occur, but business relationship for a minor per centum of homicide deaths in the state." With 34 guns for every 100 people, Canada ranks fifth in the world for gun ownership co-ordinate to the Small Arms Survey. The US is first, with 120 firearms per 100 people.

      "The likelihood of a tourist beingness a victim of such a (mass shooting) incident is low," adds Canada. Although US gun homicide rates far outpace those of fellow wealthy countries, the likelihood of any individual existence a victim of such an incident remains statistically low, though no less horrifying.

        How US gun culture compares with the world

        New Zealand, itself the recent victim of a big-calibration mass shooting, offers the most detailed travel advisory -- if as well somewhat out of date, having been final reviewed in November 2018. The state's website calls for "increased circumspection in the United States due to threat of terrorism" and reminds New Zealanders that the US has suffered multiple "politically motivated" attacks.

        "Active shooter incidents occur from fourth dimension to time in the U.s.," the advisory adds in a "Crime" section. Information technology does not gloss over America's bloody recent history of mass shootings, listing a May 2018 schoolhouse shooting in Santa Fe, Texas; a November 2017 church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas; and October 2017's concert shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada -- the deadliest in modern The states history.

        New Zealand's travel advisory site.

        Republic of ireland's short travel informational notes just that while terror and extremist violence has increased worldwide, the US in particular "has too witnessed a number of mass shootings in recent years." Meanwhile, Italian republic'due south travel profile for the U.s.a. says that terror attacks remain a threat in big cities, and warns that "serious firearm incidents" sometimes occur in smaller communities also.

        Both New Zealand and Italy defer to US expertise in mass shootings, advising travelers to consult the US Department of Homeland Security website for tips on what to do in such an assail.

        In contrast, the United Kingdom'southward travel advisory politely eschews mention of potential mass shootings, though it describes terrorists as "very probable" to attempt attacks in the Usa, inspired by strange terror groups "including Daesh and al Qaeda."

        Be aware: Americans own guns

        While close ally Japan rates the US as a condom place to visit, it did describe the The states as a "gun gild" in an online discover issued immediately after the Dayton, Ohio, shooting this weekend. The message, signed by Japan's Consulate General in Detroit, warned Japanese citizens to be aware of potential gun violence "everywhere" in the US.

        Buy-back schemes and stricter gun laws:  How other countries responded to mass shootings

        Frg points out that Americans face few obstacles to obtains guns. Both mass shootings and terrorism pose potential risks when traveling in the U.s.a., its advisory says, calculation that it is "easy" to gain possession of firearms and therefore more common to see shootings and sporadic attacks. Germany itself has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe, after passing stringent gun ownership regulations in the wake of shootings in 2003 and 2009.

        In the French informational'due south "Civilization" department, the diplomatic service warns French visitors that "carrying firearms is authorized and common" in several The states states. "Visitors must therefore, in all circumstances, go along their calm and sang-froid."

        The price of US medical care

        While medical care in the United states of america is "very good," Canada reminds citizens that "treatment costs are expensive."

        "Medical treatment is expensive and there are no special arrangements for British visitors," the UK said. "Some hospitals may ask non-US residents to pay a deposit or 'good faith' payment on comprisal."

        Germany and France echo this warning, emphasizing American hospital prices and urging travelers to purchase special health and repatriation insurance before visiting.

        Toplessness and other cultural differences

        Federal republic of germany, which says breastfeeding in public is legal in all United states states, cautions German mothers to "refrain from that practice in restaurants and bars, or in less liberal areas," it says. It similarly warns against topless beachgoing, even for little children.

        France, besides, cannot help but annotation American prudishness in its travel advisory, telling travelers that topless swimwear is "forbidden" in the United States for adults and children.

        Both Germany and France warn against toplessness at US beaches.

        In some other cultural warning, the Italian informational reminds travelers that the belatedly nights they might be used to at home could get them into trouble in The states cities, where it says violent crimes are on the rise, particularly in the evening.

        "Work and social life end earlier in the United States than it does in Italia, and city centers can empty out between 6 pm and 7 pm," claims the Foreign Affairs Ministry.


        Uruguay and Venezuela are non the only countries to describe racism in America equally concrete danger to travelers. While this calendar week's El Paso shooter appeared to target Hispanic people, previous years' unrest over law killings of African-Americans prompted the Bahamas in 2016 to update vacation-goers on "tensions in some American cities over shootings of immature black males past law officers."

        Two police shootings, two videos, two black men dead

        "We wish to advise all Bahamians traveling to the Us merely peculiarly to the affected cities to exercise appropriate caution generally," information technology warned.

        "In particular young males are asked to do extreme circumspection in affected cities in their interactions with the law."

        Criminal offense and some surprisingly specific areas of concern

        France'due south travel security alert focuses in large part on natural disasters, it does list xiii urban areas in the US where French travelers should keep their wits about them, including Boston's Dorchester and Roxbury; New York'south Central Park (at night); downtown Houston and Atlanta; roughly a dozen neighborhoods in Chicago; and parts of Los Angeles, amongst others.

        Italy does not take a full cities-to-beware list, simply it does specifically warn about San Francisco for car burglary; Florida for irritating "crimson algae;" and New York City's Times Square for counterfeit electronics.

        People walk around Times Square in New York City on July 9, 2019.

        And while not exactly a crime, the UK's otherwise bland informational pays special attending to Florida gas stations "notoriously near to Orlando International Drome" for allegedly gouging tourists on fuel prices.

        Always remember context

        Of course, the diplomatic context around some travel warnings can sometimes add clear political overtones: Information technology was but after Donald Trump'due south ballot in 2016 that Turkey -- itself the subject of multiple travel warnings past the US -- issued an informational near political tensions and xenophobia, noting that political protests in Portland, Oregon, had turned violent.

          Amid new merchandise tensions in June, Mainland china's Ministry building of Culture and Tourism issued a general travel advisory citing "shootings, robberies and thefts" equally risks to tourists. And Venezuela's own fiery warning this calendar week came just every bit the U.s.a. targeted the embattled Caracas regime with broad sanctions.

          United states of america travel advisories, naturally, also comport political messaging or tin can finish up prompting retaliatory warnings. The US Country Department currently warns Americans to "exercise increased caution" when traveling to Mainland china and to reconsider travel to Turkey. Information technology also instructs Americans to entirely avoid Venezuela.

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