Impact of G7 Summit on Air Travel 2018

Canada and the G7

The G7 is an informal grouping of seven of the globe's advanced economies: Canada, France, Deutschland, Italy, Japan, the U.k., the United States and the European Wedlock.

Overview of Canada and the G7

Since joining the G7 in 1976, Canada has further strengthened its political and economical ties with the world's most advanced economies and helped shape global progress on a wide range of bug.

History and Membership of G7

In 1976, Canada joined the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States to discuss coordinated responses to global crises. The European Union was invited to attend in 1977.

G7 Official Documents

Statements and declarations from previous meetings of the G7.

Overview of Canada and the G7

The G7 is a forum designed for frank and open discussion betwixt leaders, ministers and policy-makers. As a member of the G7, Canada plays a leading role on the international phase and is able to promote and deliver on domestic and international priorities.

The G7 provides global leadership and plays a powerful catalyst role on problems that are later taken upwards past other fora with broader global and regional membership. The G7 brings together the earth's avant-garde economies to influence global trends and tackle pervasive and crosscutting bug. The G7 has strengthened international economical and security policies, avant-garde discussion of fundamental global issues including climate change and gender equality, brought donors together and supported disarmament programs.

At the G7, Canada has avant-garde its fundamental domestic and international priorities, including gender equality, peace and security, climatic change and building a sustainable global economy. Transparent and inclusive date with Canadian and international stakeholders has helped Canada to deliver on priorities that are important to Canadians.

The role equally host, also known as the G7 presidency, rotates annually among member countries in the post-obit society: France, United states of america, United Kingdom, Frg, Japan, Italia and Canada. The European Union is not part of the rotation.

Canada has hosted six G7 summits to engagement:

  • Charlevoix, Quebec (2018)
  • Muskoka, Ontario (2010)
  • Kananaskis, Alberta (2002)
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia (1995)
  • Toronto, Ontario (1988)
  • Ottawa-Montebello, Ontario-Quebec (1981)

Canada, during its G7 presidencies, has demonstrated global leadership by developing innovative initiatives to accost global security and economic crises, and health and evolution challenges, while also inspiring progress on aggressive priorities such as cyber security, oceans, and women and girls' education in crisis situations. The G7 amplifies Canadian efforts such as the historic G7 investment of near $3.eight billion in pedagogy for women and girls in crisis and conflict situations fabricated during the 2018 Charlevoix G7 Summit.

Gender Equality Informational Quango

In its role every bit G7 president in 2018, Canada created the first G7 Gender Equality Informational Council. The Council was mandated to promote a transformative G7 agenda, and to support leaders and ministers in ensuring that gender equality and gender-based analysis were integrated across all themes, activities and outcomes of Canada's G7 presidency.

The Council carried out its mandate by advising the G7 and recommending concrete deportment to advance gender equality and women's empowerment across all areas of the G7's work. Council members participated in each of the G7 ministerial meetings and in one Sherpa meeting, sharing their perspectives and recommendations with all G7 delegations.

Uk's 2021 G7 Presidency

The United kingdom, during its 2021 presidency, will focus G7 efforts on:

  • Building back improve from the COVID-nineteen pandemic past leading a global economical recovery and strengthening resilience confronting futurity pandemics
  • Promoting future prosperity past championing gratis and off-white trade
  • Tackling climate change and preserving the planet'southward biodiversity
  • Championing shared values

The 2021 G7 Height will have identify June 11 to 13 in Carbis Bay, Cornwall.

For more information, visit G7 Great britain.

History and Membership of G7

In 1976, Canada joined the leaders of France, Germany, Italia, Japan, the United kingdom and the United States to hash out coordinated responses to global crises, and in 1977 the European Spousal relationship was invited to attend. The G7 is not based on a treaty and has no permanent secretariat. The grouping's presidency rotates annually amidst the seven member countries. It is the presidency's prerogative to define a set of priorities, in consultation with other members, for the twelvemonth alee and that state is responsible for hosting and organizing the annual Leaders' Summit. Leaders traditionally release a final statement or communiqué summarizing agreed initiatives and policy advancements.

A number of ministerial-level meetings may also take identify during the yr; the number and selection of ministerial meetings is the prerogative of the G7 presidency. Ministerial meetings are by and large supported past a number of expert and working group meetings throughout the year, also as directed by the presidency, and may culminate in ministerial communiqués or articulation plans of action.

In improver, arms-length, civil society-led bodies chosen the G7 engagement groups typically provide recommendations to the G7 on an annual footing. These groups of stakeholders often concur their ain summits in the months leading upward to the G7 Summit. These engagement groups include the Business concern seven (B7), Civil Social club vii (C7), Labour seven (L7), Science seven (S7), Think Tank seven (T7), Women 7 (W7) and Youth vii (Y7).

G7 official documents

At the terminate of each ministerial coming together and the Leaders' Summit, host countries publish an outcomes document. This document tin can exist delivered as a communiqué, declaration or chair's statement, and explains what was discussed at the meetings and what agreements were reached by G7 members.


  • April 7 - Statement of the G7 Foreign Ministers
  • March 24 - Articulation Declaration past the G7 Interior and Security Ministers on the consequences of the war in Ukraine (PDF version)


  • Dec 12 - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Russia and Ukraine
  • August vi - MV Mercer Street attack: G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement
  • June 13 - G7 Carbis Bay Wellness Declaration
  • June 13 - G7 2030 Nature Meaty
  • June xiii - 2021 Open Societies Argument
  • June 13 - G7 Research Compact
  • June four - G7 Trade Ministers' communiqué
  • May v - G7 Foreign and Development Ministers Communiqué
  • April 12 - G7 Foreign Ministers' statement on Ukraine
  • April ii - G7 Foreign Ministers' statement on the situation in Tigray, Ethiopia
  • March 18 - G7 Statement on Hong Kong Balloter Changes
  • March 12 - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Hong Kong Electoral Reform
  • February 23 - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Myanmar
  • February 19 - G7 Leaders' Statement
  • February three - Condemning the coup in Myanmar: G7 Strange Ministers' statement
  • Jan 26 - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Arrest and Detention of Alexey Navalny


  • September eight - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on the Poisoning of Alexei Navalny
  • June 17 - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Hong Kong
  • March 24 - Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
  • March 16 - G7 Leaders' Statement


  • April 6 – G7 Foreign Ministers' Communiqué
  • April vi – G7 Dinard Proclamation on Women, Peace and Security
  • April 6 – G7 Dinard Declaration on the Partnership for a Comprehensive and Sustainable Strategy to Gainsay Illicit Trafficking in the Sahel Region
  • April vi – G7 Dinard Annunciation on the Cyber Norm Initiative
  • April v – G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on the situation in the Westward of Libya

Past official documents


G7 Peak documents

  • June ix, 2018 - The Charlevoix G7 Top Communique
    • Charlevoix Commitment on Equality and Economical Growth
    • Charlevoix Commitment on Innovative Financing for Development
    • Charlevoix Common Vision for the Future of Bogus Intelligence
    • Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Didactics for Girls, Adolescent Girls and Women in Developing Countries
    • Charlevoix Commitment to Stop Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Abuse and Harassment in Digital Contexts
    • Charlevoix Commitment on Defending Commonwealth from Foreign Threats
    • Charlevoix Blueprint for Healthy Oceans, Seas and Resilient Littoral Communities
  • June seven, 2018 - Achieving growth that works for everyone

Final reports

  • September 12-xiii, 2018 (Ottawa) - G7 Nutrient Security Working Group (FSWG) Financial Written report
  • September 12-13, 2018 (Ottawa) - G7 Nutrient Security Working Group (FSWG) Chair's summary
  • July 2018 - G7 Africa directors grouping: Chair'south Statement
  • June 2018 - Deauville Partnership Senior Officials' Meeting
  • May 2018 - Report of the Nuclear Prophylactic and Security Grouping

Gender Equality Informational Council

  • June 4, 2018 - Recommendations from the Gender Equality Advisory Quango for Canada's G7 Presidency

Engagement groups

  • Women 7 (W7) Communique:
    • April 24-27, 2018 (Ottawa) - Feminist visions for the G7 (PDF)
  • Labour seven (L7) Recommendations:
    • April 4-five, 2018 (Ottawa) - L7 Cardinal Demands for the Canadian G7 Presidency
  • Call up 7 (T7) Recommendations:
    • May 21-23, 2018 (Québec City) - The Think7 Quebec Announcement on Global Governance and the Challenges of Complexity and Inclusiveness (PDF)

G7 Ministerial Documents

  • September 19-21, 2018 (Halifax) - Chairs' Summary: G7 Joint Ministerial Session on Healthy Oceans, Seas and Resilient Communities
    • September nineteen-21, 2018 (Halifax) - G7 Innovation Claiming to Address Marine Plastic Litter
    • September 19-21, 2018 (Halifax) - G7 Initiative on Earth Observation and Integrated Coastal Zone Direction
  • September xix-21, 2018 (Halifax) - Chair's Summary: G7 Environment Ministers' Meeting
  • September xix-21, 2018 (Halifax) - Chair'southward Summary: G7 Energy Ministers' Meeting
  • May 31-June ii, 2018 (Whistler) - Co-Chairs' Summary: G7 Joint Evolution and Finance Ministers
  • May 31-June 2, 2018 (Whistler) - Chair's Summary: G7 Finance Ministers and Central Banking company Governors' Coming together
  • May 31-June 2, 2018 (Whistler) - Chair's Summary: G7 Development Ministers' Meeting
    • May 31-June 2, 2018 (Whistler) - The Whistler Principles to Accelerate Innovation for Development Bear on
    • May 31-June 2, 2018 (Whistler) - The Whistler Declaration on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Humanitarian Action
    • May 31-June 2, 2018 (Whistler) - The Whistler Annunciation on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in International Assistance
    • May 31-June two, 2018 (Whistler) - The Whistler Proclamation on Unlocking the Power of Adolescent Girls for Sustainable Development
  • Apr 22-24, 2018 (Toronto) - Joint Statement of Foreign and Security Ministers
    • Defending Commonwealth - Addressing Foreign Threats
    • Managing Strange Terrorist Fighters and Associated Travellers
  • Apr 22-24, 2018 (Toronto) - G7 foreign ministers communiqué
  • April 22-24, 2018 (Toronto) - Chair'southward statement: security ministers' meeting
  • March 27-28, 2018 (Montreal) - Chairs' summary: G7 ministerial meeting on Preparing for jobs of the hereafter

G7 Public Engagement Papers

  • Investing in growth that works for everyone
  • Preparing for jobs of the future
  • Advancing gender equality and women's empowerment
  • Working together on climatic change, oceans and clean energy
  • Building a more peaceful and secure earth

G7 Pinnacle Documents

  • May 27, 2017 (Taormina) - G7 Taormina Leaders' Communique (PDF)
  • May 27, 2017 (Taormina) - G7 People-Centered Activeness Plan on Innovation, Skills and Labor (PDF)
  • May 27, 2017 (Taormina) - G7 Roadmap for a Gender-Responsive Economic Surroundings (PDF)
  • May 26, 2017 (Taormina) - G7 Taormina Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism and Violent Extremism (PDF)

G7 Ministerial Documents

  • November xv-16, 2017 (Taormina) - G7 Ministerial Meeting on Gender Equality (PDF)
  • November five-6, 2017 (Milan) - G7 Milan Wellness Ministers' Communique (PDF)
  • Oct twenty, 2017 (Ischia) - Articulation Printing Release on countering the terrorist threat on the Internet following the G7 Interior Ministers' coming together (PDF)
  • October xix-20, 2017 (Ischia) - G7 Interior Ministers Articulation Communique(PDF)
  • October fourteen-xv, 2017 (Bergamo) - G7 Bergamo Agriculture Ministers' Meeting Communiqué(PDF)
    • Annex 1 - Concrete G7 Action on assessing policies on catastrophic risks in agriculture (PDF)
  • October 12, 2017 (Washington) - G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Printing Release (PDF)
  • Oct 12, 2017 (Washington) - G7 Fundamental Elements for Effective Assessment of Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector (PDF)
  • September 27-28, 2017 (Turin) - G7 Science Ministers Coming together – Science Communiqué(PDF)
    • Annex 1 - Hereafter of the Seas and Oceans (PDF)
    • Annex 2 - Report of the group of senior officials on global research infrastructures (PDF)
    • Annex 3 - WG Neglected Tropical Diseases and Poverty Related Diseases (PDF)
    • Annex iv - WG Open up Scientific discipline (PDF)
  • June 21-22, 2017 (Cagliari) - G7 Send & Infrastructure Ministers Declaration (PDF)
  • June 11-12, 2017 (Bologna) - G7 Surround Ministers Communique (PDF)
  • April 11, 2017 (Lucca) - G7 Statement on Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PDF)
  • April 11, 2017 (Lucca) - G7 Proclamation on Responsible States Behaviour in Net (PDF)
  • April 10-eleven, 2017 (Lucca) - G7 Strange Ministers' Coming together Articulation Communique (PDF)
  • April 9-10, 2017 (Rome) - G7 Free energy Ministerial Meeting Chair'south Summary (PDF)

G7 Elevation Documents

  • May 27, 2016 - G7 Ise-Shima Leaders' Declaration(PDF)
    • Annex - G7 Activeness to Fight Abuse (PDF)
    • Addendum - G7 Principles and Actions on Cyber (PDF)
    • Annex - G7 Ise-Shima Vision for Global Health (PDF)
    • Annex - G7 Ise-Shima Principles for Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment (PDF)
    • Addendum - G7 Action Plan on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism (PDF)
    • Annex - G7 Guiding Principles for Chapters Building of Women and Girls: Towards Sustainable, Inclusive and Equitable Growth and Peace (PDF)
  • May 16, 2016 - Ise-Shima Progress Report Summary (PDF)
  • May 16, 2016 - Ise-Shima Progress Report (PDF)

G7 Ministerial Documents

  • September 20, 2016 (New York) - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Recent Developments in Asia (PDF)
  • September 20, 2016 (New York) - G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Countering Terrorism and Fierce Extremism (PDF)
  • May 15-sixteen, 2016 (Toyama) - Communique from G7 Environment Ministers' Meeting (PDF)
  • April 11, 2016 (Hiroshima) - G7 Foreign Ministers' Hiroshima Declaration on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (PDF)
  • April 11, 2016 (Hiroshima) - G7 Foreign Ministers' Coming together - Joint Communiqué (PDF)
  • April 11, 2016 (Hiroshima) - G7 Foreign Ministers' Argument on Maritime Security
  • April eleven, 2016 (Hiroshima) - G7 Statement on Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PDF)

G7 Top Documents

  • April 15, 2015 - G7 Argument on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Lübeck (PDF)
  • Feb 13, 2015 - G7 Leaders Argument on Ukraine

G7 Ministerial Documents

  • Oct 12-thirteen, 2015 (Berlin) - G7 Labour and Evolution Ministers' Argument (PDF)
  • September viii-nine, 2015 (Berlin) - G7 Science Ministers' Statement
  • September 8-nine, 2015 (Berlin) - G7 Health Ministers' Statement (PDF)
  • May 11-12, 2015 (Hamburg) - Communiqué from G7 Energy Ministers Meeting, Hamburg (PDF)
  • April 15, 2015 (Lübeck) - G7 Strange Ministers' Coming together Communiqué, Lübeck
  • April 15, 2015 (Lübeck) - Beyond Ebola: a G7 calendar to help prevent hereafter crises and enhance security in Africa, Lübeck
  • April fifteen, 2015 (Lübeck) - G7 Strange Ministers' Declaration on Maritime Security, Lübeck

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